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Environmental, social and governance

Meet your ESG obligations through due diligence, corporate reporting, strategy.

We support organisations to meet their ESG obligations through due diligence, corporate reporting, and strategy.

This allows you to demonstrate environmental responsibility to your customers as well as ensuring the best value in mergers and acquisitions, transactions, litigation, and insurance claims.

We help you stay ahead of requirements in your supply chain’s ESG policies and procedures, understanding that they will be unique to each organisation and their impacts.


  • Our corporate reporting helps you to understand where an organisation is with its ESG currently and make a map for where to invest.
  • Our experts can also assist you with benchmarking and reporting your organisations ESG as well as offering strategies to improve it.
  • We can assist organisations in how to communicate their ESG strategies internally and externally.
  • Reporting aligned to Global Reporting Initiative GRI.

Due diligence

During mergers and acquisitions, and property transactions,  investors historically considered health and safety, company profitability, employee benefits, and whether they are operating inside of the law.

Acquisition and divestment due diligence has evolved to include the assessment of ESG credentials of any business they are acquiring.

Frameworks are available to support, but each company will have their own priorities based on their business model.

We can help clients create a set of criteria to assess their building against. We then score it and create a roadmap for improvement as per certain standards considered best practice in that particular area.

Litigation support

Civil action can be taken against businesses by action groups, individuals, or organisations about environmental or social issues. Our experts can support in the defence of businesses by undertaking reporting and marketing messages as well as defend any claims against them.


In a dispute our experts can verify data to support your claim.


We can evaluate properties and report their ESG to standards such as Well, BREEAM, and Better Buildings Partnership.

TCFD reporting

Under the FCA’s ESG rules, organisations are expected to publish a TCFD report either within its annual financial report for its financial year starting on or after 1 January 2022, or as a standalone which is cross-referred to in its annual financial report.

Firms subject to the FCA ESG rules must ensure that the climate-related financial disclosures they make are consistent with the TCFD Recommendationsinitially published in 2017 and superseded by an “Annex” published in 2021, which is a set of 11 recommendations across four pillars: strategy; governance; risk management; and metrics and targets.

PPN 06/20

Procurement Policy Note 06/20 takes account of social value in the award of central government contracts. It works to set parameters around health and wellbeing, aiding employment, and protecting green space.

We help organisations looking to work with central government contracts to improve and demonstrate their social value.

Keep your business compliant and protect the environment while reducing the risk of operational downtime

Find out how Adler and Allan reduce your risk and support you on your journey to Net-Zero through the management and maintenance of assets.

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