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Protected species surveys

Protected species surveys to support land development projects.

Our team of licenced protected species ecologists work with a broad spectrum of clients including Government departments, local authorities, developers, architects, and individual property owners to provide a range of protected species surveys to support land development projects.

It is an exciting challenge to conserve a rare species and enhance its habitat whilst ensuring the efficient delivery of development projects.

Surveys take place for these species are often seasonally constrained and depend on certain factors, so commissioning appropriate surveys at an early stage of development can save you time and money.

We have ecologists licenced by Natural England to undertake a range of protected species surveys for the following:

  • Bats
  • Great crested newts
  • Water vole
  • Otter
  • Dormouse
  • White-clawed crayfish
  • Reptiles
  • Badgers

Protected Species Survey windows are specifically defined, and we recommend that relevant ecological surveys are highlighted and commissioned at an early stage in project development. This can prevent unnecessary delays and costs on projects if the need for ecological surveys is raised during the development process, outside of the acceptable survey periods. We offer advice and guidance on the appropriate timing of surveys for all protected species.

If your development is likely to effect lakes, streams or rivers contact us for a free initial consultation.

District level licensing scheme

The Natural England district level licensing (DLL) scheme aims to increase the number of great crested newts by providing new or better habitats in targeted areas to benefit their wider population.

It’s a simpler, quicker process than mitigation licensing because planning applications do not need to include:

  • surveys of great crested newts;
  • plans to carry out mitigation work such as translocations to move great crested newts to safety.

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